Pockets of Blue

musings of my mind

Month: September 2007

Summer 2007

Since I’ve been quiet for so long I decided to put together a concise little geographical representation of my adventures this past summer. It has been, by far, the most fun summer of my life (even with a day job!):

View Larger Map

However, I highly recommend you download a KML overlay to be used in Google Earth here. Make sure to right-click and save as… Then just open it from Google Earth.



I’m baaaaaack! It’s been a few months, but things have started to slow down a bit and I’m feeling the urge to start ranting again. Woohoo!

This is the premiere of my new weblog at my personal domain, aleclalonde.com. My old weblog at alec.typepad.com will still exist for a little while, but all new content will be posted here. I still need to move all the old photo albums to my new photos site at photos.aleclalonde.com.

To those way out of the loop, I packed my bags at the end of May and moved across the country to Salt Lake City, UT. Yes, it was a drastic change. No, I didn’t move to be nearer to friends and family. I moved out of a growing urge for adventure that has been painting my daily activities for the past couple of years. I have discovered a mecca of outdoor activities here in Utah, of which I’ve merely scratched the surface.

To make up for my lack of postings, I’ve decided to create a post with a map of my travels and activities over the past four months. Each trip has a little blurb, and you can find photos from most trips on the photos page.

Look out for it soon.

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