Right before Christmas break started our Methods of AI class was assigned a programming assignment, to be due the second monday of classes after break. This left the class an ample four weeks to do the necessary research, ask questions, and program a solution. Naturally, I never even glanced at any of my course materials over the entire break (it’s called vacation for a reason). These three weeks of zero academic responsibility weren’t very good for my self-motivation skills; thus Friday rolled around and I still hadn’t started the assignment. In class, near the end, someone spoke up about having a lot of tests next week and how it would be difficult to study and complete the project over the weekend. We had a short discussion and our professor said he would think about it and to keep an eye on our email inbox over the weekend. So, saturday rolled around and I spent a few hours working on it, getting accustomed to the domain of the problem (a formal logic representation of a travel problem). I hosted a party that night, which was great, and left me rather hungover for a good chunk of Sunday. At around 3-4 I started really attacking the problem, and by 11 PM or so I was ready to start the programming aspect (after completing the logical representation part). Midnight rolls around and I’m progressing well, until I hear that the extension had indeed been given. Just before midnight the professor had emailed everyone in the class to give the extension, 12 HOURS before it was due! This was so outrageous (extensions of any sort are laughably improbable at RIT, not to mention weekend communication with professors) that I immediately ceased working on the project, and instead am writing what you’re currently reading. Hahaha, oh yes.
Europe is great.
But it’s too bad I just chugged all that coffee…
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